Xanthelasma Treatment At drs skincare Hamilton, ON

Xanthelasma Treatment


Treatment Recovery
~ 4 weeks after each session
# Of Treatments Required
Depends on the method of removal
Best Results Seen
At least three months after the last treatment
*estimate of sessions to be determined in consultation

What is xanthelasma, and what treatment options might be available to me?

Our dermatologists at drs skincare understand that new changes or growths on the skin can be a cause for concern. When patients come into our office with yellow eyelid growths and discoloration, they may be diagnosed with a condition called xanthelasma. Our Hamilton, Ontario, team can provide a diagnosis and treatment plan for those with this or other skin care needs.

What is xanthelasma?

Our team at drs skincare describes xanthelasma, sometimes called xanthelasma palpebrarum, as eyelid growths that appear as yellowish, raised plaques. These can range dramatically in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres. They are usually found on both the upper and lower eyelids near the inner areas of the eyes. Cholesterol is typically the cause of these bumps on the eyelids that can result in patients feeling self-conscious about their appearance. Patients worried about the development of these yellow spots often visit a dermatologist for further evaluation and care.

How is xanthelasma diagnosed?

Typically, xanthelasma is diagnosed clinically by a physical exam.

While xanthelasma does not cause symptoms such as pain or discomfort, it is essential to seek medical advice since it may indicate other health problems such as high cholesterol or diabetes. Screening bloodwork via your family physician is often recommended to screen for potential associations.

Treatment of Xanthelasma

A variety of options are available for treating xanthelasma, including the following:

  • Electrocautery + Light Curettage
    • A fine-tipped electric needle is placed on the lesion, melting away the lesion while light curette helps further remove the lesion
  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)
    • TCA has many applications in dermatology, including treating acne scarring in a method called “TCA cross” and skin resurfacing with chemical peels
    • TCA at various concentrations can be used to remove xanthelasma
  • Excision
    • Excising can be done, and when it is too challenging for our team, we will refer patients to our colleagues in facial plastic surgery and/or oculoplastic surgery
  • Laser therapy
    • The Fractional CO2 laser is commonly employed in our office, where laser energy is used to remove xanthelasma

Regardless of the modality used to remove xanthelasma, lesions can recur, and there is a risk of permanent scarring. A consultation is best to see if there is a treatment that best suits you.

How do I learn more about this condition?

If you suspect that you have xanthelasma and want to speak to an experienced team of dermatologists about treatment options for these eyelid growths, call (905) 524-1712 to request an appointment at our facility in Hamilton, ON.

The team at drs skincare welcomes new and current patients in and around the community looking for quality, comprehensive skin care solutions.

Dr. Rahul Shukla

Why Choose
Dr. Rahul Shukla

Dr. Rahul Shukla is a modern dermatologist staying in line with the advancements in the field by being a member in numerous associations. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Brock University, and later attended medical school at McMaster University, and completed dermatology residency at University of Toronto. He is Board-certified in dermatology, in both Canada and in the United States.

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